Servicing Insights | Motorama Blog
Everything You Need to Know About AdBlue
Over the past few years, environmental rules have tightened up, pushing car manufacturers to get creative with cleaner, greener technology. If you drive a diesel, you’ve probably heard of AdBlue, ...
Read More Summer Care Tips For Your Car
Each season brings with it a number of different challenges; winter comes with colder weather and wetter roads, while summer blazes through with sizzling temperatures that can often making driving ...
Read MoreThe Risks of Not Servicing Your Car
When it comes time for a service, you may not know what to budget for, and if your car’s running fine, then you may not feel like you need to bring your car in at all. But do you know what you’re r...
Read MoreHow to Wash Your Engine Bay
Do you know how to safely wash your engine bay? Let Motorama 4X4XMORE's Peter Caswell explain!
Read MoreGuide to Water & Fuel Light Warnings
Got a fuel light warning lighting up in your dashboard? Let us tell you what to do.
Read MoreIs My Speedo Accurate?
You’re sitting at the speed limit, but traffic seems to be passing you and there are people sitting right on your tail - how do you know that the speed you’re doing is what everyone else is doing? ...
Read MoreHow to Get Bacteria Out of Your Car AC
Your car air conditioning system can accumulate bacteria which can cause damage to both your air conditioner and your health. Time to get it serviced! Due to old age and lack of proper maintenance,...
Read More5 Ways To Reduce Your Fuel Bill
Sick of stopping at the petrol station? With petrol prices at near record highs, we’ve put together our top five tips to make the most of your tank. If your car is running a bit rough, or the fuel ...
Read MoreHow to Fix Putting Petrol in a Diesel
Accidentally putting the wrong fuel can mean disaster for your engine and your wallet. If you’ve reached for the wrong pump by mistake, we’ve got a helpful guide on what to do so you don’t end up ...
Read MoreWhat Does Smoke Coming Out of the Exhaust Mean?
A little bit of white smoke from the exhaust on a cold morning can just mean steam, and is fairly normal. But what’s a normal amount of smoke from your car – and what should you call the service de...
Read MoreThe Difference Between a Minor and Major Service
Ever wondered why each service on your vehicle is not the same? We'll give you all the lowdown of the difference between a Minor and Major Service. The main difference between the minor and major v...
Read MoreHow to Protect Your Car Paint
Just like wrinkles and crow's feet are a natural part of getting old, paint chips and marks on your car are a natural part of the automobile ageing process. However, just like you can moisturise yo...
Read MoreChipped windscreens and what to do
Windscreens are built tough and can stand up to a lot of damage, but that doesn't mean that they are always immune to the small rocks, pieces of metal and chunks of debris that are found on many Au...
Read More10 Tips to Extend the Life of Your Car
Once you've bought your dream car and driven out of the dealer's lot, it's unlikely that maintenance and servicing are going to be the first things on your mind. But there are plenty of easy ways t...
Read MoreHow To Maintain A Hybrid Car
Hybrid and electric vehicles are growing increasingly popular, and it doesn't take a genius to figure out why. There are so many benefits associated with switching to a hybrid. Perhaps the biggest ...
Read MoreWheel Balance and Rotation
You might have heard of the terms wheel balance and rotation before, but when it comes to your vehicle, what do they mean? And how often should you have this process carried out to ensure your car ...
Read MoreHow To Protect Your Car Window Tint
Window tinting can be a great way to keep the inside of your car feeling cool and it can even improve your visibility - especially during our sunny Queensland summers! It's no secret that having yo...
Read MoreWhat Do I Need To Know About Transmission Fluid
Automatic transmission fluid is one of the most important tools that can help you keep your car in the best possible shape, but many people don't know what it does or how to check it. The good news...
Read MoreHow To Change A Fuse
Changing a fuse is one of the easiest ways to maintain your car. So how do you do it? Cars have increasingly complex electrical systems, when you consider you have to run a full entertainment syste...
Read MoreVehicle Warning Signs You Shouldn't Ignore
If you're the kind who waits for your regular trip to the car service centre to address potential problems with your vehicle, you could be putting yourself and other drivers in danger. Frequent ser...
Read MoreHow To Remove Scratches From Your Car
There is nothing quite like that feeling when you suddenly notice a scratch on your pride & joy as you hop out of the car in your garage. It usually only takes a second to do, it can cost a for...
Read MoreKeeping On Top of Maintaining Your Car
Getting your car checked and serviced by a professional on a regular basis is a must, regardless of the age of your vehicle. However, you shouldn't just wait every half-year or so to take your car ...
Read MoreTop 5 Self-Servicing Mistakes
Self-servicing can be a great way to not only save some money, but also to save time. However, if you’re not a mechanic or someone who isn’t experienced working with cars, what usually appears to b...
Read MoreHow To Do A Basic Self-Service On Your Car
With ever increasing service intervals in new cars – most are out to 15,000kms or six months – it is imperative that you as a new car owner do your best to keep your car in tip top shape. That’s an...
Read MoreWhat Should Your Car Service Include?
If you've recently booked your vehicle in for car servicing in Brisbane but you're unsure what this process actually covers, it's a good idea to get your head around it. When it comes to the freque...
Read MoreHow To Save Time Servicing
Getting your car serviced often means rearranging your day, so being able to plan around not having your car makes it a bit more convenient. So how long should a servicing take? Every six, nine or ...
Read MorePollen Filters Explained
Whether you suffer from seasonal allergies or simply prefer the air in your car to remain fresh and clear, a pollen filter can be an invaluable accessory. The pollen filter (sometimes called a cabi...
Read MoreHow to Deal with an Overheated Engine
Picture this - you are driving down the M1 with the windows down and the radio on, preparing to spend a day at the beach with friends or family. All of a sudden, you notice that your temperature ga...
Read More5 Fluids in Your Car You Need to Keep Your Eye On
Whether you're sitting at a work desk for most of the day or running around getting constant exercise, it's important to keep your body well hydrated to keep it functioning at its best. The very sa...
Read MoreWhen Should I Change My Oil and Filters?
Regularly changing your oil and keeping your filters clean helps to ensure your car's engine stays in tip-top shape and can even boost its lifespan. But how often should you change your oil and fil...
Read MoreHow to Choose the Right Engine Oil
The viscosity refers to how thick or thin the oil is at a given temperature. The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) created the grading system, which is generally accepted as the global standard...
Read MoreWhy Your Car Steering Isn't Straight
From time to time, issues may crop up with your vehicle that need to be addressed as quickly as possible - including any problems with your steering. If you are concerned that your steering isn't s...
Read MoreEverything You Need To Know About Steering
You don't have to be an automotive expert to learn about systems inside your car. One of the most important - but often overlooked - components in your vehicles is its steering. If your knowledge d...
Read MoreHow to Spot Braking Issues
Our car's brakes are some of the most important mechanisms we use on a daily basis, allowing us to slow down, stop and preventing us from getting into accidents. That's why it's so important to kee...
Read MoreKeeping An Eye On Your Brake Fluid
Whether you have just purchased a new car or you have been driving the same one for several years, you will want to ensure you are taking the best possible care of your car. Staying on top of your ...
Read MoreEverything You Need To Know About Car Brakes
We all know that taking care of our brakes is one of the most important things we can do to extend the life of our car and ensure we travel safely from A to B. That's why a regular check up at your...
Read MoreFixing squeaky brakes
You’re slowing down at the lights, but instead of coming to a stop quietly – your brakes squeal and scream their way to a halt. So what’s the matter and how do you fix it? First, a basic explanatio...
Read MoreDo You Inflate Your Tyres Correctly?
When it comes to car maintenance, your tyres get a lot of the attention. From checking tread depth to ensuring they're correctly aligned - there's quite a few things to mark off your checklist! Mak...
Read MoreTyre Maintenance to Extend the Life of Your Wheels
Preventative maintenance is essential for ensuring your vehicle is as safe as possible. Regular inspections at a reputable car service centre can also help save you money in the long run, as your v...
Read MoreWhat Type Of Tyres Do I Need?
There are many factors that should be taken into consideration when you choose new tyres for your vehicle. The make, model and engine size of your car, the conditions you drive in most frequently a...
Read MoreHow Do I Know When I Need New Tyres
Your car's tyres are one of its most important features, as they are the only things standing into the way of your car and the road. Improper care and maintenance can lead to accidents that can be ...
Read MoreHow to Safely Change a Tyre
Never had to change a tyre? Lucky you! But the more you drive, the bigger the chance you'll run into a flat one of these days. Your first thought may be to call roadside assistance, but changing a ...
Read MoreWhy Are Spare Tyres So Important?
Temporary use spare wheels - also knows as space savers - are designed for exactly this type of problem. They are typically lighter and smaller in size than the standard wheels on your car, which m...
Read MoreHow to Choose the Right Tyres for Your Car
When selecting tyres, do you generally just go with the best price that the tyre shop can give you? But when you’re shopping, do you know how to read tyre sizes to find the best tyres for performan...
Read MoreChecking Your Tyres
Do you realise how important it is to have your tyres checked on a regular basis? Well, your tyres should not only be checked your regular vehicle service, but as they are an extremely important pa...
Read MoreTips on Keeping Your Car Battery Healthy
Looking after your car battery by taking some simple steps will not only extend your cars battery life, but also delay the inevitable flat battery. Car chargers, portable DVD players, frequent shor...
Read MoreWhat Can I Run Off My Car Battery?
If you frequently make long road trips or you love to go camping, you might already be familiar with car power inverters, which convert DC voltage into AC output. These handy gadgets can convert yo...
Read MoreHow to Spot Car Battery Problems
Car owners should consider their batteries to be the main life force in their vehicles, allowing the car to operate in any conditions. Often we take these powerhouses for granted, expecting them to...
Read MoreHow to protect your car battery in winter
Do you ever find your car reluctant to start up on a cold morning? Let’s have a look at a few things you can do to protect your battery from conking out in the cold. Winter is hard for cars because...
Read MoreCar Battery Maintenance
Especially during winter, maintenance of your car battery is very important. There are a number of things you can do to prolong your battery's life, saving you time and money, and most importantly ...
Read MoreMotorama Top Tech Tip: Connecting to Bluetooth
Your car’s multimedia unit is expected to do more than just play music; it has to be an all round connectivity hub for your vehicle. With personal technology becoming more and more indispensable, h...
Read MoreHow To Check Your Tyre Pressure
Tyres are the only connecting your car has to the road and maintaining them is therefore very important. You should check your tyre pressure regularly, about every two weeks. Especially if you’re g...
Read MoreHow to Prevent Your Car from Rusting
Going off-road can throw up road surfaces and obstacles that can cause damage to the underbody. Here’s how to stop rust from ruining your car. If you’ve ever driven through water, sand or mud, over...
Read MoreHow to Check Your Tyre Tread
Did you know that when your tyre tread depth reaches just 3mm your wet grip is dramatically reduced? That's why it's important you check your tyre tread regularly, but perhaps you don't have a cent...
Read MoreWhat To Do If Your Car Battery Fails
When the battery in your key fob fails it's hard to open your doors, start your car or put it in neutral. But there is a way. At Motorama we have Brisbane's best service centres located at Moorooka...
Read MoreHow To Check Your Air Conditioning
Nothing worse than sweating in the Summer heat! Luckily your cars air conditioning is ice cold - or isn't it? If not, make sure you get it checked before the temperature rises and your car is a hot...
Read MoreWhy You Should Service At A Dealership
In relatively short space of time the vehicles we drive today have changed from basically just having a chassis, four wheels and a steering wheel to each manufacturer putting in their own individua...
Read MoreHow often should I service my vehicle?
It has been the normal thought process for many decades to service the vehicle when the listed log book service kilometres have been travelled. However, if you don't do a lot of kilometres (the fig...
Read MoreQ&A With a Motorama Technician
Every day millions of Australian drivers rely on the skills and expertise of auto technicians to keep their vehicles safe and reliable on the road. Peter Caswell is Workshop Technical Advisor and M...
Read MoreHow To Attach An EV Label To Your Number Plate
Registered owners of hydrogen and electric powered vehicles built after 1 January 2019 are now legally required to display specific labels to the front and rear number plates of the vehicle. Kent K...
Read MoreChanging or Repairing a Ute Tyre
Getting a flat tyre on the road is enough of a nuisance, but getting one when you're off roading is an even bigger issue. If you're driving a ute, you might not even know where your spare tyre is! ...
Read MoreHow To Check For Flood Damage in Your Car
Worried your car might have been water damaged from flood waters? Our Service Team have put together the 3 most important things to check if your car has flood damage. The quickest way to find out ...
Read MoreQ&A With a Motorama Apprentice
We're having a chat with Hayden from Browns Plains Mazda, winner of the "Australian Mazda's Apprentice of the Year Award" for the second year in a row. What drove you towards a mechanic career at B...
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